I - Lazio
Titusboog (L) en Tempel van Venus en Roma (R)
Arch of Titus (L) and Temple of Venus and Roma (R)
Titusboog (L) en Tempel van Venus en Roma (R), Arch of Titus (L) and Temple of Venus and Roma (R)
790080   (1979)

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Titusboog (links) en Tempel van Venus en Roma (rechts). Forum Romanum, Lazio, Rome. De tempel (gereed 141 n.C.) was de grootste van Rome. Gewijd aan de godinnen Venus Felix en Roma Aeterna . De Titusboog was gebouwd door keizer Domitianus kort na de dood van zijn voorganger en broer Titus in 81 n.C.

Arch of Titus (left) and remains of Temple of Venus and Roma (right). The Temple of Venus and Roma was the largest temple in Ancient Rome. It was finished in 141 under Antoninus Pius. The Arch of Titus was constructed by the emperor Domitian shortly after the death of his brother Titus (81 AD)

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