I - Lazio
Santa Maria della Vittoria (Rome, Italië)
Santa Maria della Vittoria (Italy, Latium, Rome)
Santa Maria della Vittoria (Rome, Italië), Santa Maria della Vittoria (Italy, Latium, Rome)
081706   (2008)

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Extase van de Heilige Theresia, Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1652), Santa Maria della Vittoria, kapel van de familie Cornaro. Aan de heilige karmelietes Theresia van Avila is een engel verschenen, die haar hart heeft doorboord met een lans en haar achter liet 'in vuur en vlam door gods liefde' (Rome).

Ecstasy of St. Teresa, Gianlorenzo Bernini, Cornaro Chapel, Santa Maria della Vittoria. The statues depict a moment described by Saint Teresa of Avila in her autobiography, where she had the vivid vision of an angel piercing her heart with a golden shaft, causing her both immense joy and pain. The flowing robes and contorted posture abandon classical restraint and repose to depict a more passionate, almost voluptuous trance (Rome).

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