I - Lazio
Hal van de Horatii and Curiatii (Rome)
Hall of the Horatii and Curiatii
Hal van de Horatii and Curiatii (Rome), Hall of the Horatii and Curiatii
060684   (2006)

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Rome, Palazzo dei Conservatori. Hal van de Horatii and Curiatii. Cavalier d'Arpino (Giuseppe Cesari): het vinden van de Wolvin (1595-1596) Fresco. Alessandro Algardi: beeld van paus Innocentius X (1645-1649), Brons, 288 cm.

Rome, Palazzo dei Conservatori. Hall of the Horatii and Curiatii. Cavalier d'Arpino (Giuseppe Cesari): Finding of the She-wolf (1595-1596), fresco. Alessandro Algardi: Statue of Pope Innocent X (1645-1649), Bronze, cm 288.

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