I - Lazio
Stanza della Segnatura, Rafaël, Rome
Stanza della Segnatura, Raphael, Rome
Stanza della Segnatura, Rafaël, Rome, Stanza della Segnatura, Raphael, Rome
091359   (2009)

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De Parnassus, fresco in de Stanza della Segnatura door Rafaël (1511). In de Stanza della segnatura heeft Rafaël de vier terreinen van kennis afgebeeld: filosofie, religie, poëzie en recht. The Parnassus stelt de poëzie voor. Antieke en Renaissancedichters zijn gegroepeerd rond Apollo, die op de berg Helicon zit, en negen muzen.

The Parnassus, fresco in the Stanza della Segnatura by Raphael, 1511. In the Stanza della segnatura we can see the four areas of human knowledge: philosophy, religion, poetry and law. The Parnassus represents poetry, ancient and Renaissance poets are centred around Apollo, who is seated on top of Mount Helicon, and nine muses.

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